If you have been in an accident, you may have suffered whiplash. Whiplash involves more than just pain, some people may experience nausea, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, swelling of the neck, headaches, muscle spasms or other symptoms. Whiplash is actually an easy injury to get as injury can result from speeds as low as 2.5 miles per hour.
Whiplash results from an accident where your neck is forced into an unnatural S curve. The injury is the result of tendons, muscles and ligaments getting strained during their attempt to hold the vertebrae in position despite the opposing forces. A chiropractor will thoroughly assess the situation, checking x-rays and other images to ensure there are no fractures.
He or she will then come up with a treatment plan to provide effective pain relief. You will be shown exercises to help with home care. Chiropractors can effectively ease the pain and discomfort of whiplash. If you have been in an accident that has resulted in you experiencing the symptoms of whiplash, you need to schedule an appointment with us right away so we can provide a proper diagnosis and start an effective treatment regimen.