The technique is performed by using instruments that are ergonomically designed. The tools encourage rapid discovery of the area causing the problems and effectively treat all areas that display signs of chronic inflammation, degeneration or fibrosis of the soft tissue. IASTM is supplemented with joint mobilization that can correct biomechanical deficiency through properly addressing muscle imbalances and strength. Exercises are also used in conjunction with IASTM.IASTM instruments have been proven to break down scar tissue as well as fascial restrictions. These instruments have an ergonomic design that gives the clinician the power to find any restrictions and then treat that affected area by applying an appropriate amount of pressure. IASTM does have some contraindications. Those include DVT, active implants such as a pacemaker or internal defibrillator, cervical carotid sinus or any compromised tissue integrity, such as a tumor, open wound or infection.
IASTM is used to treat problems that involve limited motion or pain during motion, muscle recruitment problems and motor control issues. It can be used to treat trigger finger, non-acute bursitis, IT band syndrome, chronic ankle sprains, shin splints, acute ankle springs, musculoskeletal imbalances, back pain, myofascial restrictions, scars, ligament sprain, chronic joint swelling, shoulder pain, knee pain, arthritis, and scar tissue that formed following surgical procedures. It is an effective procedure that can provide a high level of results. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you with IASTM. We have undergone extensive training in administering IASTM so our patients can get the maximum benefits.